Tuesday, May 17, 2016

first time question

This past weekend, I was at an open house.  While chatting with another middle-aged woman that I had just met, she asked me if I had children.  When I replied no, she asked me a question that in my mid-forties I have never been asked before, she asked me if I wanted any.  I, again, replied no.  And that was that.  No judgement.  No wondering what was wrong with me.  Simple acceptance of my ability to CHOOSE to not have offspring.  Wow!  How refreshing.

Friday, May 13, 2016


It is incredibly irritating to be out and about and have to interact or just deal with the stupid people that are everywhere. First, none of them think that they are stupid.  If this is the thought that you are having right now, chances are - you are part of the problem, not part of the solution.  Next, they spew their stupidity everywhere, like verbal diarrhea.  the idiocy is overwhelming and makes me want to have everything delivered directly to my house.