Monday, July 18, 2016

The World Went Crazy Awhile Ago & Now We're All Realizing That We're In A Handbasket Together

This is completely ridiculous.  Why can't everybody just mind their own goddamn business and leave every one alone?  

Here's my rule- Do whatever you want.  As long as your personal freedom/liberty does not impede on mine, we're good.  The second that your freedom infringes on mine, we have a problem.

I have serious and deep seated issues with authority figures.  Period.

That being said, I do not advocate shooting police who are just doing their job.

However, I also do not believe that law enforcement officials should be using deadly force unless the situation truly calls for it.  In other words, if you are being fired on, please feel free to return fire.  I would prefer that you do so carefully, in order to avoid shooting innocent bystanders.  If you are not being fired on, then please behave accordingly.  This means that you should not shoot or attempt to kill someone of any shape, color, race, religion, etc... if they are not actively trying to kill you.  If you cannot distinguish between the behavior of a person who is actively trying to kill you and one who is just trying to get through the day before you decided to butt into it, then you should not have a career in law enforcement.

For the sake of us all, we need to collectively pull our heads out of our asses, quit making decisions based on emotions (especially in a heated moment) and figure out that we passed the moment when we should have all said "enough" a long time ago.

The NRA can kiss my ass.  So can any idiot out there who just wants to be a fear-monger or who is determined to drag as many people into the pit of fear as possible.

The solution is simple and reasonable and constitutional.  Do what the Founding Fathers would have if they had a fully functioning and funded military when they created the second amendment.  The people should bear arms that enable them to defend themselves and their homes, as well as to hunt for food.  Anything that is meant to mow down mass numbers of people, kill law enforcement or the military (including armor piercing ammo), or otherwise not conform to the above criteria is unnecessary for the average person to own.  After all, it took over a minute to reload a musket back when those landed white men were making these decisions. 

There is a middle ground and it's about damn time that we find it together.  Enough. Enough already.

I am sick of feeling fear, in particular for my non-white appearing male friends, who might be brutalized or killed based on a moron's prejudice.  But, it is reality.  It shouldn't be.

I do not want to have any more friends lose children to gun violence in schools.

The solution is not to have more guns.  We have tried that and guess what it earned is.  More gun violence.  

It's time.  Let's behave like rationale human beings who all need to figure out how to live together, since we are all here on the big, blue marble, floating in the vast, cold, darkness of space together.

Try love not fear.  Rather than immediately argue why we can't, think about what YOU can do to make it happen or make it work or just improve on things.

Choose differently.  Be part of the solution and not part of problem by spewing the bullshit that got all of us here.

Change.  Embrace it.  Every Aspect Of It.  Be uncomfortable.  Sit with it.  Push yourself.  DO something different to get a different result.

Because... this is enough.